Saturday, April 21, 2007

book process

you wanted to know what went down

well, as far as i know, Erik gave me the secrets
me and jason edited them and i posted them to the blog for joe
in turn he made the template and put the book together
terrence and peter-lee printed the book
ophelai wrote the intro

someone else give some input
this is just how i knows it

Friday, April 20, 2007

Congratulations, and Good Luck

Hi Class:

Thank you all for make our class a success. Some of you were especially strong contributors, and made our class a dynamic and thought-provoking experience - a special thanks to Ofelia, Sydney, Terrence, Adam, Addison, Stefan, Peter, Erik, Elizabeth and Sivakorn.

We have decided to donate the leftover funds to the charity of "Team Foosball's" choice: The Children's Wish Foundation. I will arrange for this to occur this week.

I will also arrange to have your book added to the permanent collection at the library.

This blog will remain active indefinitely, should you feel the desire to come back and visit.

Good luck in your future endeavors, and keep in touch.

Jesse Colin Jackson (forthcoming this summer)

Thursday, April 19, 2007


what is the cost per book?

What the heck is going on?!!?

Alright, well I'm meeting up with Terry to get the booklets printed however, two problems lie here. First is the money, Terry or I haven't recieved any money to get these booklets paid for, Terry and I will be fronting the cash, however we will require the class to pay us back by today. Second is colour, Terry and I have agreed that the hard copy will be all color and the ones the class will get to take home will be black and white, if someone has a problem show us the money.
got them joe!

this is going to be god damn expensive as hell to print
and where is all of the cash
I could pay for it my self but all colour pages is going to be expensive
we'll work somethign out here
I am at school all day from 12

Template's in T-Unit's hands

Terrence i sent you in pdf form (all ready for printing) all 25 pages in 2 part documents in 2 sepereate e-mails. All secerets have are in there

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Okie, here we go...

On Wednesday April the 4th of 2007 the OCAD students joined in an activity at Butterfield Park. It was called "Avtivate the Park". The reasoning for this involved all first year design students who were apart of the interaction design class. Together with their classmates, they decided to create fun new ways for people to communicate. Our team chose to exhibit a booth where secrets would be shared with eachother. We decided to call it "The Secret Exchange". With everyone in the class coming up with great ideas, our final decision was based on a dark mysterious booth that you could walk into, type in your secret electronically and then someone else's secret would be revealed to you through a printing process. We brought in the old with the new. We, as a class wanted to have everyone to communicate with eachother, anonomously. With our great success, we'd like to share some of our secrets with you.

and then at the end of the book write.... Great thanks to our leaders Jesse Jackson and Fei; for their encouragement and support. Most of all a GREAT thanks to everyone in our class who took their time to help out and make our idea become successful.
Ofelia. H.


Hey guys, Siva helped me come up with a intro, maybe you guys can help me out and add something i might be missing. Thanks Ofelia :D
hey joe! Do you know who has the money? The MONEY!


if we have 105 pages or so per book, and 25 books, thats, hold on, 2625 pages, lets say 2500 are black and white at 3cents (cheapest i could find)a page, thats 75 $, then 29 c per page for the 125 colour pages, thats about 36 bucks, so thats 111 bucks, then to bind them and get a cover on them it is 4 pers booklet at Alicos printing, so thats another hundred so it would be ---------211 bucks-----------, maybe more?!
I do not feel like manually binding them unless we each want to bind our own in what ever way we want to? Then its only $111. Peace out! Get me some feed back yall!

so...what the helly?

so....whats is happening team?


respect joe!
Who has the remaining cashola?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Template is done, maintained the theme from our ads. Cover page is wrk in prgress, however! Do we want it mildly different Or as well along the same theme (colour Design etc.) as our ads were? Open for input, but i can't read your minds so let me know via blog or msn ( Or if u must, use face book ->Joseph-Malcolm Cantin

Ps. I can put each seceret in the template, however, who do i need to send it to once its done and in what format???????


Joe did a really rad template for each page

I say for the book

have the cover
an list of team members
an intro
a message from te teacher (kinda like an artist statement)
and then one page for each secret

what do yous guy's think?

From Jason and Adam

Here is the revised secrets
We kept most of them and just got rid of the the really really really stupid ones
I recommend using this entire list.....
one secret per page

I learned what kind of girl she REALLY was
I have a huge collection of porn
This class was a joke
I cheated my way through high school and I slept with my math teacher. Twice.
I can’t stand the idiots that go to this school. I thought this place was special.

I don't know if Advertising is right, it seems fairly evil.
Lately I've been wishing that I was pregnant with his baby so I could abort it and break his heart like he broke mine.

I don’t know what is wrong with this shit
I did my best. I thought it would work out. Does it?
My daughter has a bum dimple
I am in love
Today is the day...u know...women thing... :$
I do cocaine.
I seriously need to get laid
I most definitely peed in my boyfriends bed by accident when I was drunk...but I didn’t have the heart to tell him... He probably hasn't washed the sheets yet.

I did it wid my high skool teacher
I lost my virginity to a family pet.
I moved here on a last-minute decision. I wish I had waited longer to make it definite.
I had sex in McDonalds and threw fries all over the place!

I shop in the kids section
I want that chick so bad.
I counterfeit all my report cards from grade nine to grade 12
I wish I was married
I pee standing up
I think 12 year old boys are hot.
I hope we do this project every semester

I 'm addicted and I don't know if I have the will power to stop.
Once I peed on my girlfriend's bed.
I want to be with a woman.... because I am one...
When I was 6, I killed my neighbor’s dog with a branch stuck in his eye.
I lie all the time
I'm still in love with my exgirlfriend, even though I'm dating another girl.
I have 8 toes on one foot
I've never had a boyfriend before, and I'm turning 21...HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!
Canadian boys are scary
I'm still in love with my exboyfriend in Ryerson and we are a friends for benefit now.
I had a crash on an old prof...
I had sex with 4 guys

I cant dance…
I've been raped
My cat gave me a hickey
I like cookies
My parents used to smuggle bibles into the Soviet Union.

I still wet the bed
I still play with Barbies
There is nothing better in the world than looking at rumps.
Sometimes I want to hit my daughter
I am madly in love with John Frusciante
When I was in grade 11 my ex-girlfriend cheated on me, dumped me and the called herself a lesbian to hurt my feelings.
I have a small penis.
I killed my cat
I hate being a Human..I wanna be a dog...little one
I skipped off of work to be here. They don't know that I'm missing... yet.
I once slept on a skid in the middle of the forest, frankly.
I think lesbians are hot
I once stole money from a UNICEF box!!!
Deleted my Ex's Facebook
I just cut in line for the secret machine.
I love myself more then I love my girlfriend...that's why I left her
I've smoked in Dufferin Mall....ya! 420

I'm very disappointed with the cookies in the ego booth. I expected them to be soft and they were hard and I didn't want to complain is now my second favorite confessional & compared to this booth.
I am the biggest romantic ever.
I want to fight my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend.
I secretly wish I wasn't in love with you. Sometimes.
I once ate a chocolate bar I found in the toilet.
I am addicted to pornography.
I have two Second Life avatars. One is a boy and the other is a girl. The one I enjoy using is the girl. I'm a boy.
My life's goal is to give my true love the best blow job he's ever had
Marilyn Monroe isn't really dead, I see her late at night munching in my attic when I leave out a plate of Tylenols. Shhh!
I am a man. I sit down to pee.
I go to OCAD and I can't draw.
I want to have sexual intercourse with a bonobo
monkey (because apparently they do it just like we do)
I'm i love with my sister's friend
I had no fun today
I'm dating a virgin and can't wait to fuck him

I think the foosball game is the bestest.
I hate my roommate
I'm in love with a prof!
I want to go streaking with a whole bunch of people around
I have a secret crush on Shawn my PID teacher. He is so adorable xox
I once ate rancid chicken out of a old sock
Spending money makes me feel good
I was born with two left feet. I wear regular shoes to hide from myself.
I hate new media
I find masochism fascinating.
I am secretly in love with my gay best friend…He is so
I haven't showered for a week
I sell drugs by day, and waffle-trafficking by night
I have a thing for white guys...hee hee hee
I hated our istallation!!!
My fridge has curry chicken from last year

I love you.
I love my Hanbi...don't tell her.
I luv EVE……. tell her
I poo three times a day

I'm gay
My sixth finger was removed when I was a baby
I foolishly kissed my buddy's girlfriend
I have a crush on Shawn M. the PID teacher
I wasted 10 years of my life smoking cigarettes and doing drugs!!!
I once stole from a covieniece store, just about everyday on the way home from school in grade nine
I hate boys
I drove with out my license
I have 2 hands

Me and jason took care of all of this jazz so whoever s in charge of making the book copy and past it or whatever
good luck

wow now

Hello there. Im not sure whats going on as for as the lead up to the printing of these books but I know I as well as Peter be selected as the final print and book construction guys. If at any point these secrets need to be emailed to me so I can take them to print that would be fine. Although I may be intruding on someone elses plan so whatever that way! But truthfully if its getting down to it and no ones printing these I ll go and print these and get them bound. I dont know who has the rest of the money either so maybe ill just shut my trappy trap.
Whatever you guys need of me just let me know. Im here to help. I love you.

Adam contact me

adamn contact me asap to arrange what time and where are we meeting up. i added you on msn already but heres my number just in case 647 220 8117 give me a shout brother.

Adam contact me

adamn contact me asap to arrange what time and where are we meeting up. i added you on msn already but heres my number just in case 647 220 8117 give me a shout brother.

Monday, April 16, 2007

somebody email me the secrets

Amy Where Are you?

sorry bout the tittle amy
i need you to send me the list of secrets because me and jason are goin to go over it on tuesday so we can send it off to the porduction guys


Erik, can you send me the list of secrets for tuesday



Amy, ad team only had 80 dollars! not 50+80.