Hi Class:
It's my understanding that many of you are meeting right now to try and finalize the concept for next Wednesday's Activate The Park! event. In my mind, there remains a major disconnect between the anonymity of the "secret exchange" between the booths, and the broadcast of these secrets to the park in general. I understand the allure of both components, but please spend some time attempting to reconcile this disconnect. It may be that one or the other has to go, or perhaps you'll find a way to tweak the concept to respond to this concern.
Remember, put yourself in the shoes of your user. Use narrative to play out a scenario. Doesn't the projection have the potential to dissuade users from sharing truly juicy secrets? Or is it a game of chance - some percentage of all secrets will be broadcast to the park. Or maybe it's an individual choice - users are able to decide whether their secret is to be broadcast. Or maybe the "exchange" falls by the wayside, and the concept is simply the anonymous broadcast of secrets. In this case, I would make sure that the user understands that their secret will not be immediately broadcast.
Both the advertising team and the build team appear to be off to a good start, thanks for the posts.
Of note:
-PR: There will be a press release sent out early next week. The Promotions team must provide me with a title (or working title) and a very brief description of the project by Friday at noon.
-POWER: The junction box is located near the south-east corner of the building. We are responsible for providing our own outdoor-certified power cords. A limited number of these are available from AV loans. We need to figure out how to get power over the door to the Lambert Lounge. Someone from the build team should work these details out.
-LOCATION: I have secured the locations shown in my previous post. Note that the projector is located on the top of a small hill - it's the highest point in the park, which is good, but the hill may complicate the construction of the shelter. Again, someone from the build team should go check this out. The "kiosks" may need to be moved slightly on the day of the event, as I've indicated that their location is flexible. Do we need to get power to the kiosks? Consider signing out two computers per kiosk, and consider the issue of locking the computers (I have two locks you can borrow).
-STAGING: Setup on the day of the event will be from 7AM. The event officially runs from 3PM to 6PM. We'll have access to the Lambert Lounge from Monday morning, though space will be limited. We have full use of 1420, but again, space is limited - all 15 sections will likely need some space in 1420.
Good luck, and see you at 6:30. Today's class will be wholly devoted to working as a class and in small groups on the event - how you want to use the time is up to you. This will be your last guaranteed chance to get help from Fei and I, so use us wisely.